The College Portal

Accessing myPEAK

Now that you have activated your account, it is important that you login into the myPEAK portal and familiarize yourself with the site.

You will use your college-provided user name and your new password.


Get your College Email

Accessed your College Email through Office 365.

Your email address is your myPEAK user name followed by (e.g.

Click here to access your email through a web browser, or on view it on your mobile device through the Outlook mobile app.

Download the Microsoft Outlook Mobile App from your Favorite app store:


Start Using Office 365 and OneDrive

Accessing Microsoft Software through Office 365

As a student of Penn Highlands, you are able to download or use the fully online version of the Microsoft Office Apps.

  • When you log in to Office 365 you must supply your college email address as your login.
  • Your email address is your myPEAK user name followed by (e.g.

Follow this Office 365 link, or click on the logos to be redirected to the respective site.

For additional information on Office 365 and the Microsoft Student Advantage program, please visit the IT Services Tab | Office 365 Page


Find your Courses in Brightspace

After you have registered for college courses
Brightspace by D2L is used as the college's online learning management system. This system will be utilized for all of our online and hybrid courses as well as some face to face courses. Please check with your instructor for usage.
To log in to Brightspace, enter your Penn Highlands email address ( where "user" is your username, and enter your myPEAK password for the password.
Click the following link to access your courses in Brightspace.