At Pennsylvania Highlands, we are committed to providing the very best in academic program accessibility by providing appropriate accommodations to students with disabilities.  We seek to empower students to achieve their academic and career goals.

If you have questions regarding Student Accessibility Services and accommodations, please contact:

Mike Lucas, Accessibility Specialist
B125, Richland Campus

Click HERE to schedule an appointment.

Mission and Vision

Student Accessibility Services Mission

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College Disability Services helps to ensure equal access and opportunity for all members of our community.


Student Accessibility Services Vision

Disability Services will work individually with students to understand their strengths and limitations in order to develop the most effective accommodation plan and provide the greatest opportunity for their success.


Please use the link to log into your Accommodate Account.  You will use the same username and password you used to log into My Peak.  This link will provide you with the following options.

1.) Ability to apply for accessibility services.

2.) Remind you of the accommodations you requested and are currently receiving.

3.) See your accommodation letters that go out to your professors. 

4.) Provides you access to sign your accommodation letter to assure access assure you receive your current semester accessibility request. 

Recognizing the Standards

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College recognizes the standards set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, which are designed to eliminate discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. 

Disabilities may include physical or mental impairments which materially limit one or more of a person's major life activities which necessitate modifications to the facilities, programs, or services of the College.


Pennsylvania Highlands Community College is committed to making reasonable accommodations for qualifying students with disabilities as required by applicable laws.  The College is also committed to making its facilities accessible as required by applicable laws.  The College is not required to make accommodations that are unduly burdensome or that fundamentally alter the nature of the College's programs.



Upon Approval the Following Accommodations May Be Available

  • Classroom Accommodations:
    • Note Taker
    • Selective Seating
    • Printed Copy of Visually Presented Materials
    • Digital Recorder


  • Testing Accommodations:
    • Extended Testing Time
    • Quiet Testing Area
    • Test Reader
    • Test Scribe


  • Assistive Technologies Available:
    • Microsoft Dictate Feature in Microsoft Word 
    • Read Aloud Feature in Microsoft Word


Local Resources:

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (Johnstown)
727 Goucher Street
Johnstown, PA 15905
Tel: (814) 255-6771


Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (Altoona)
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
1130 12th Ave., Suite 500
Altoona, PA 16601
Tel: 814-946-7240 (Voice) 


Blind & Visual Services
1130 12th Ave., Suite 300
Altoona, PA 16601


National Resources: 

American Association of People with Disabilities -

Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) –

Job Accommodation Network –

National Association of the Deaf -

National Organization on Disability –







Title Description File type

To request services from Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), you must submit the online Pre-Application through PA CareerLink using the instructions in the handout.  Please contact Mike Lucas, Accessibility Specialist in the Student Success Center at or 814-262-6468, if you have questions.
