The Bear Path is a one-stop-shop to help you on your career path. Whether you need help deciding on a major, job/internship, resume writing, or mock interview help, the Bear Path can guide you in the right direction. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ben Mostoller at
Click on the link and select "Student/Alumni" then "Single Sign On" to log in to your account:
Download the "Symplicity Jobs and Careers" app via the Apple or Google store. A link is also on the main page of your Bear Path account.
Career Finder:
The Career Finder can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to a major and/or what type of careers you may want to explore.
Job Search:
Job Search is an easy way to search and apply for jobs and internships. Simply upload your resume to your Bear Path account and instantly apply to jobs or internships.
Mock Interview:
The Mock Interview tool is great to help you practice for your next interview. You can record yourself answering the questions and once prepared can also send the interview to friends, family, or professors for review with feedback.
Resume Builder:
Resume Builder is a great tool to help you create or update your resume. There are multiple templates to use to help you create the perfect resume to apply to your next job or internship.