Spring 2025 Tutoring Options

In-Person Drop-In Tutoring

Richland Campus: Tutoring for writing, public speaking, math, chemistry and other subjects will be available in the Writing/Math Center, Room B115

Monday and Wednesday 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Students at other campuses and those looking for help with other subjects, please contact Mindy Nitch at 814-262-6433 or mnitch@pennhighlands.edu  You may also submit the Request form below.

Blair Campus: Biology, English, Chemistry, Math up to 170 & 200. Mr. Matt Gaul.  Email: mgaul@pennhighlands.edu


Virtual Tutoring

Math up to MAT200 & MAT210, English/Writing/Biology/Chemistry

Mr. Matt Gaul Email Matt to schedule an appointment: mgaul@pennhighlands.edu


By Appointment In-Person OR Virtual Tutoring

Ms. Kelly Leibfreid (Biology, Chemistry, Writing) Email: kellyln96@yahoo.com

Dr. Simone Flesik (Biology, Anatomy & Physiology) Email: sflesik@pennhighlands.edu

Marcayes Hutchins (Math up to MAT145 including MAT110, English, CIT 100, HIS 100) Email: q354g2@pennhighlands.edu


Tutor.com is the online tutoring service for all Penn Highlands students that is available 24/7.  It is accessible from every Brightspace page: https://learn.pennhighlands.edu/d2l/home at the Tutoring Online tab or under the Resources tab.




If you can’t find what you need, please submit a Tutor Request Form or call/text Mindy Nitch at 814-262-6433 or email mnitch@pennhighlands.edu

For the Student

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Want to be a Peer Tutor?

Complete the application below and return it to the Student Success Center along with a completed Faculty Recommendation Form.  

Peer-to-peer tutors are Penn Highlands students who have been recommended or approved by a faculty member to be a tutor. Tutors must have a minimum 2.8 GPA and have a final A or B in the course in which they wish to tutor.

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Want to be a Professional Tutor?

Professional tutors(adjunct faculty, students at a four-year college or university, community members or staff) complete the attached Professional Tutor Application and submit it to Mindy Nitch in the Student Success Center.

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